Pan Am Fan Interview with Olivia Cornwall
Hello Olivia, Tell us about yourself and how you got into Pan Am.
Hi!, My name is Olivia and I'm 15 and I live in the North - West of England. My dad told me about Pan Am the series!
I absolutely LOVE Pan Am because it's so unique and it's lovely to see what life was like back in the 60's. Now I wish I lived to be a stewardess in that amazing era, and at that time of the airline. Pan Am is such an iconic airline and I love the history, for example when the Beatles flew to America and the J.F.K assassination. Maggie is so funny and I also love the humor on the show Such moving story lines that was such a breath of fresh air on British TV. I really hope there is a season 2 of Pan Am, and I'm not giving up hope! The cast are all lovely and the very loyal fans really deserve it. Thank you very much - and let's all support Pan Am for the future! - @OliviaCornwall
Hello Pan Am Fans - It's been a while since the last blog post, but I hope the tweets on the @PanAm_Fans twitter page, the Pan Am Box set on iTunes and the Pan Am Soundtrack have all been keeping your Pan Am spirits high. Earlier this month, ABC announced the sad news regarding the future of Pan Am - explaining the cancellation of the series. This was very sad news to Pan Am fans, but I would like to take this opportunity to say, Keep your hopes high, despite the cancellation, and the more we support the show, the better chance it has of being picked up by a cable channel. For more information feel free to tweet me at @PanAm_Fans or leave a comment on this blog post. As for the box set, it is still unknown if ABC will ever bother to release it on Amazon, despite it being on the website for months on end, however the full series is available to purchase through iTunes, in SD or HD, and there are websites that you are able to watch them from for free, (but for more information on that, tweet me!).
Whilst Pan Am has been off-air, my Pan Am twitter page (@PanAm_Fans) has been very busy with plenty of competitions, activities, quiz's and picture montages that followers have been taking part in, and one of the competitions was offering a Pan Am fan to win an interview on this Pan Am blog, which is viewed over 200 times a day! (Thank you all!)
And so, quite a while ago I caught up with Olivia Rose Cornwall (@OliviaCornwall) and she told me why she loves Pan Am for the characters, the story lines, the love, the glamour, and travel and the 60's. Here's the interview:
Hello Olivia, Tell us about yourself and how you got into Pan Am.
Hi!, My name is Olivia and I'm 15 and I live in the North - West of England. My dad told me about Pan Am the series!
Who is your favourite character and why? Who would you say you are most alike, and who would you say is your least favourite and why?
The first episode I watched was the Pilot, So I started watching from the very begging! The Pilot is definitely one of my favourite episodes. When I first saw Pan Am I absolutely loved it. I had never seen anything like it before, It was completely unique. The fashion, the music and the beautiful stewardesses were lovely to see in a new series. It was just so different back then and I was really interested in the era.
I love all the characters for different reasons. But I really love Colette and Kate. They are both so beautiful and they have great story lines. Plus I love Kate's hair - It's amazing! I love Colette because she is so optimistic and she's just so cute. The other characters are great too, but If I had to pick my favourite two, It's Colette & Kate all the way!
I agree the show really is unique! Finally Olivia, why do YOU love Pan Am?
I absolutely LOVE Pan Am because it's so unique and it's lovely to see what life was like back in the 60's. Now I wish I lived to be a stewardess in that amazing era, and at that time of the airline. Pan Am is such an iconic airline and I love the history, for example when the Beatles flew to America and the J.F.K assassination. Maggie is so funny and I also love the humor on the show Such moving story lines that was such a breath of fresh air on British TV. I really hope there is a season 2 of Pan Am, and I'm not giving up hope! The cast are all lovely and the very loyal fans really deserve it. Thank you very much - and let's all support Pan Am for the future! - @OliviaCornwall
Thank you very much to Olivia for sharing her Pan Am love! If you would like the chance to take part in Pan Am competitions, stay tuned on the @PanAm_Fans twitter page!
Have a great week, and for those in the UK, enjoy the British Diamond Jubilee weekend! - @PanAm_Fans